Things are changing in Pendleton. Here, we talk to Salford University’s Head of Industrial Partnerships, Mike Taylor, and Salford City Council’s Programme Director Paul Longshaw on the history of the area and what lies ahead in its future.
As part of the Greater Manchester Local Interaction Platform for Mistra Urban Futures on urban sustainability, a number of 'sustainable stories' were captured from members of the local community in Salford in 2012. One of these insights was from Emily Mmbololo, who ran a discussion with the Women of the World group in Kersal, Salford.
In this Perspectives Essay, written for the University of Salford and Mistra Urban Futures GMLIP programme, Eamonn Boylan promotes a view of sustainability based on transforming the quality of provision of public agencies as a means of creating opportunities for people to make logical choices that support sustainable outcomes and increase personal independence.