Urban Futures Salford Manchester. Research in the City

Developing a carbon neutral community venue

The Alternative? Mike Hodson profiles the Affetside Millennium Green Trust Community Venue.

Riot police in Piccadilly Gardens, August 9 2011, by Phil Long via Flickr

Perspectives essay: Urban faultlines and the dissonant city

A perspectives essay from Martin Hall, Vice Chancellor of the University of Salford Manchester, on urban faultines and the 'perpetual dissonance' of the city.

It Wasn't Built in a Day

Why transforming the material fabric of cities matters

Decarbonising cities has become an increasingly important policy and research challenge. Debates usually focus on the role of cities as producers and reducers of CO2; city-level policy responses to decarbonisation; and the strengths and weaknesses of these responses. Mike Hodson and Alex Wharton summarise these issues and the role of policy, practice and research in enhancing city responses in Greater Manchester; and set out future work to enhance responses.

Greater Manchester skyline

Perspectives Essay: How can sustainability be understood in Greater Manchester?

In this Perspectives Essay, written for the University of Salford and Mistra Urban Futures GMLIP programme, Eamonn Boylan promotes a view of sustainability based on transforming the quality of provision of public agencies as a means of creating opportunities for people to make logical choices that support sustainable outcomes and increase personal independence.

Perspectives Essay: Understanding Sustainability in GM

In this Perspectives Essay, Roger Milburn argues that we need to we need to change our behaviour so that sustainability is embedded into everything we do.

Hulme: Off the Critical List

From the archive: Beth Perry and Alan Harding argue that Hulme in Manchester may have come out of intensive care, but to be truly considered a success story, it must deliver well-being to all its residents. Originally published in New Start magazine, 24 January 2003.


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