Urban Futures Salford Manchester. Research in the City

Shaping Partnership Energy Priorities Report - ARUP, 2009

In February 2010, the new cross-sector Greater Manchester Energy Group was officially launched by AGMA, with a remit to inform investment and decision making in energy supply and infrastructure, and take an overview of energy policy and priorities on behalf of GM.

With Cllr Mark Alcock as its Chair, later succeeded by Cllr Neil Swannick, and Steve Johnson, Chief Executive of Electricity North West as Vice Chair,  the Group convened by Sarah Davies includes members from Siemens, Peel, Co-operative Group, Greater Manchester’s Universities, BIS local, DECC, Arup and many other key energy organisations. To complement the launch and inform the work of the Group, it released the 'Shaping Partnership Energy Priorities' report, produced by ARUP.

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